Honopu Valley

Honopu is one of the most amazing sights you will see along the Napali Coast. Honopu means ‘Conch Shell’ and consists of two beaches that are connected by the Arch which stands 90 feet tall and is 124 feet wide. It is the largest natural arch in Hawaii and has been featured in several different movies. Some of the most popular movies that have been filmed at the arch are King Kong, Pirates of the Carabbean: On Stranger Tides, 6 Days and 7 Nights, and Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Honopu Valley is said to be the burial ground for the Hawaiian Ali’i (Royality) and for that reason is the most remote and secluded beach along the coast. The only legal way to access the beach is to swim to shore because boat landings are not permitted and there are no trails at lead to the beach. Camping is also forbidden due to the spiritual and burial grounds. Legend has it that warriors were chosen from birth to carry the deceased chefs to their burial site in the cliffs and then have to die themselves, as to keep the burial site a secret.
It is truly amazing to see the beach, the arch, and not to mention the cliffs that rise up to 1200 feet!