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Our Company

a group of people on a beach posing for the camera

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” – R Satoro

Nathaniel Fisher

Na Pali Experience Owner + Captain

Candice Klein

Administrative Manager + Captain

Tadashi Muratake Jr

Operations Manager + Captain

Kiley McGahan

Na Pali Experience Captain

Drew Belt

Na Pali Experience Captain

Erica Keough

Na Pali Pirates Captain

Corbin Wolfe

Na Pali Experience Captain

Jackie Wade

Na Pali Experience Captain

Kielland Seaver

Na Pali Experience Captain

Ryan RJ Martin

Na Pali Experience Crew

Lynn Opritoiu

Na Pali Experience Captain & Crew

Roy Carvalho

Na Pali Experience & Na Pali Pirates Captain

Colleen Butler

Na Pali Experience Crew

Jake Kuzen

Na Pali Experience Captain

Liz Kuzen

Na Pali Experience Reservationist

Daniel Havas

Na Pali Experience Captain

Shay Smith

Na Pali Experience & Na Pali Pirates Crew

Kezya Rego

Na Pali Experience Reservationist

Manu Von Rowe

Na Pali Experience Captain

Nolan Ka'ohi

Na Pali Experience Marine Mechanic + Crew

Jackson Barrett

Na Pali Experience Captain

Brian O'brien

Na Pali Experience Crew

Sandra Pfeffer

Food, Beverage, & Office Supplier

Dominic Armstrong

Na Pali Experience & Na Pali Pirates Captain

Jane Myers

Na Pali Experience Captain

Seana Keough

Na Pali Pirates Crew

Chaz Bento

Na Pali Pirates Crew

Ian Foster

Na Pali Experience Captain

Raquel Melendez

Na Pali Experience Crew

Kasey Kelley

Na Pali Experience Crew

Jay Rosario

Na Pali Experience Crew

JD Irons

Transportation & Facility Manager

Mahealani Hurd

Na Pali Experience Reservationist


Sharing a common love for Na Pali Coast and boating, our team has been carefully assembled over the course of many years. We are all very proud and grateful to have the opportunity to share the beauty and history of Na Pali Coast as a part of our every day lives. Our entire team is very friendly, enthusiastic, and hilarious, however, we recognize that our profession comes with great responsibility. Our guests comfort and safety has and will always be our number 1 priority on all of our adventure rides. We are very passionate about what we do and we can’t wait to share Na Pali Coast with you! 



Our journey starts on Wailua River, Kaua’i, where founder Nathaniel Fisher was born and raised. Lucky to say, his childhood home was right on the river, surviving hurricane Iniki, and still here to this day. Growing up on the water inevitably led him to start his own boat company during May of 2012, and just like that, the Na Pali Experience was born.

After a successful first year, Nathaniel was able to introduce his uncle, brother, and sister to the team and within five years, Na Pali Experience had expanded to five gorgeous boats. Eventually, Na Pali Pirates was added and the fleet now consists of six boats and 20+ of the best Ohana (family) and crew anyone could ask for!

a group of people posing for the camera

From left to right, Nathaniel, Godfather and legendary Captain Tony Sarabia, Childhood friend Noa, Sister Terada, Brother Jonathan, and Godmother Coreen Sarabia at Kikiaola Small boat Harbor, 1992 just after Hurricane Iniki!

a person riding on the back of a boat in the water

April of 2012, Na Pali Experience’s first day on the water with friends!


Na Pali Experience gained rapid popularity due to using boats that stood apart from the rest. Smaller boats allow us sea cave entry, and smaller capacities enable us to give each tour an intimate and personalized feel. For the first time ever, Na Pali Coast now had a locally owned and operated small boat company that specialized in top quality affordable shared and private tours!


Of all the community outreach we are a part of, nothing compares to our bi-annual Na Pali Coast marine debris cleanup that we host. In 2017 Nathaniel founded a non-profit called “Adopt Na Pali” which brings volunteers together in efforts to clean marine debris from Na Pali Coasts shoreline. Special thanks to the State Department of Land and Natural Resources who continuously grants us permission for our cleanup, as well as provides our volunteers with shirts and hats. Na Pali Experience sponsors all the rest (passenger boats, debris boats, jetskies, fuel, food, etc). We could go on and on about our love for Na Pali and how special this clean up is to us, but we think this short video sums it up pretty well. Enjoy!

Our Promise

In everything we do, we’ll always remain true to our core mission: to fulfill dreams and share a culture. To leave a positive lasting impression on anyone looking for adventure and to help people reach out and explore their wild side. To make new friends, touch lives, and make ever lasting memories. We’re having the best time of our lives, and we want to share that with you!